Nós por nós

Launch Dossier - Us for Us: Reproductive Justice Observatory in the Northeast

The We for We Observatory developed its own methodologies with the aim of understanding the situation of Reproductive Justice in the Northeast Region. Unprecedented research was developed on the topic, with the involvement of local subjects from states in the Northeast region, researchers, academics, and activists.

Download our Dossier and learn more about this initiative!

In our library we have gathered different materials that deal with topics related to Reproductive Justice. Here you will find articles, videos and documents that serve as references to further research in the area. Check out!

Beyond the law: legal abortion in Brazil - documentary

Beyond the law – legal abortion in Brazil is a documentary that recreates the story of three women, victims of sexual violence. The documentary presents the reality of legal abortion in Brazil in terms of legal, jurisdictional and collective health effectiveness, with an informative, reflective and denouncing bias. A topic that needs to be addressed by society in general, and speaks directly to health professionals, communicators, teachers, jurists and, mainly, women and teenagers. Directed by: Mirela Kruel.

Reproductive justice: strategies to combat sexual violence and guarantee legal abortion

Webinar promoted by the Patrícia Galvão Institute, with the theme “Reproductive justice: strategies to combat sexual violence and guarantee legal abortion”. With the participation of doula and teacher Morgana Eneile, and social scientist Simony dos Anjos, member of the Rede de Mulheres Negras Evangelicas and the Marcha de Mulheres Negras de São Paulo. Mediation will be by the directors of the Patrícia Galvão Institute, Jacira Melo and Marisa Sanematsu.

Support networks and institutional outlets in case of post-rape abortion

Webinar promoted by the Patrícia Galvão Institute, with the theme “Support networks and institutional solutions in case of post-rape abortion”. With the participation of Lívia Almeida, public defender, Mônica Gomes, a social worker working on gender-based violence, and mediation by Jacira Melo and Marisa Sanematsu, directors of the Patrícia Galvão Institute.

Webinar Information on rights to break down barriers to accessing post-rape abortion

Webinar promoted by the Patrícia Galvão Institute, with the theme “Information on rights to break down barriers in access to post-rape abortion”. With the participation of Paula Sant’Anna Machado de Souza, public defender, Cristião Rosas, gynecologist and obstetrician, and mediation by Jacira Melo and Marisa Sanematsu, directors of the Patrícia Galvão Institute.

Webinar Rape and abortion provided for by law: right to a life without violence and revictimization

Webinar promoted by the Patrícia Galvão Institute, with the theme “Rape and abortion provided for by law: the right to a life without violence and revictimization for girls and women”. With the participation of Emanuelle Goes, post-doc researcher at the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (Cidacs/Fiocruz/Bahia), Maria José Rosado, PhD in Social Sciences, and mediation by Jacira Melo and Marisa Sanematsu, directors of the Patrícia Institute Galvao.

Women's Rights - Labor Justice Program

Edition of the TRT/CE TV program, with the theme “Women’s Rights”, with the participation of Maria Rafaela de Castro, TRT/CE labor judge, and Jeritza Braga, supervising public defender of the Center for Combating Violence against Women Woman from Ceará.

Thematic table on Reproductive Justice

Event promoted by the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/PR) – Commission for the Defense of Human Rights.
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